Friday, July 2, 2010

My Umrah in Makkah

Friday morning
the alarm went ring ring ring
Woke up early as a bird,
It was too early, i got so bored
So I slept again, and the dream last
until eleven when I woke up for breakfast
Didn't sleep with a pillow, got so much pain
My dad told me, "No pain no gain!"

I did my usual things,
although a boy acted like a king
I then realized we were going to Makkah
It was a long trip but was worth it to do Umrah.
When we got there, my eyes stared to the Ka'abah
and its beauty
It was such a beautiful sight, the circling birds see
While my father was walking besides me
We went around the Ka'abah seven times
Everything looked as precious as dime.

When we were going around the Ka'abah
I got pushed, shoved and heard many sounds
After that I did my prayer of Maghrib
I saw my dad, from his eyes tears dripped
I asked God to give us peace
me and my family, more time like this.

On the way to Safa and Marwa i drank Zam Zam water
I saw people in Ihram, none wearing furs
Rabbits and squirrels are safe, and so are foxes
People in Mekah only wore white cotton clothes.

Walking between Safa and Marwa was tiring
I heard my dad's Black Berry went Ping Ping
I was relieved when I was almost done
My dad said, "Good job, Son!"
My mom cut a little of my hair, my Umrah was complete
We went to D Saji, found our seats
We had noodles with meat, and paid our receipts.

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